Legal Sleuth®

Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Navy, Behrmann: A case in the United States District Court, W.D. Washington, Tacoma (1.26.2021), ruled on a motion for summary judgment. The Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Navy, Behrmann case is about defendants motion for summary judgment. This matter comes before the Court on Defendant Meriden Molded Plastic, Inc.’s Motion for […]

Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Navy, Behrmann

Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Boston & Aerco: A case in the Supreme Court New York County (1.21.2021), ruled on a motion for summary judgment. The Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Boston & Aerco case is about defendant McCord Corporation’s (“McCord”) motion for summary judgment, pursuant to CPLR 3212, to dismiss plaintiff’s Complaint and all cross-claims, […]

Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Boston & Aerco

By Gooch Law Firm: Below are the terms and conditions applicable to the interpretation and use of the material and information provided in this website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Gooch Law Firm at 440 Louisiana, Suite 900 ☎ (844) 329-5955 | ☎ (713) 714-1610| […]


Paxil, Birth Defect, BAV & GlaxoSmithKline is about a mother who took paxil during pregnancy and alleges that the paxil caused her child’s birth defect (e.g., bicuspid aortic valve, BAV). The Paxil, Birth Defect, BAV & GlaxoSmithKline case in the United States District Court, D. Connecticut recently ruled on a […]

Paxil, Birth Defect, BAV & GlaxoSmithKline

Breast Cancer, Taxotere, Hair Loss & Schmitz is a case about a woman that allegedly took the prescription drug taxotere for treatment of breast cancer and later suffered hair loss. In the recent court order – in the California case, Breast Cancer, Taxotere, Hair Loss & Schmitz, the Court stayed […]

Breast Cancer, Taxotere, Hair Loss & Schmitz

Baby Powder, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Mikhlin: A case in the United States District Court, E. D. Missouri, Eastern Division, ruled on a motion to dismiss and strike. The Baby Powder, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Mikhlin case is about woman that allegedly developed ovarian cancer from use […]

Baby Powder, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Mikhlin

Baby Powder, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Hogans: A case in the United States District Court, E. D. Missouri, Eastern Division, ruled on a motion to remand. The Baby Powder, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Hogans case is about woman that allegedly developed ovarian cancer from use of baby […]

Baby Powder, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Hogans

Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Swann: A case in the United States District Court, E. D. Missouri, Eastern Division, ruled on a motion to remand. The Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Swann case is about a woman that allegedly developed ovarian cancer from her use of the baby powder […]

Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Swann

Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Berg: A case in the United States District Court, D. South Dakota, Southern Division, ruled on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim and alternative motion to strike. The Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Berg case is about a woman […]

Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Berg

Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Mihalich: A case in the United States District Court, S.D. Illinois, ruled on a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim and alternative motion to strike. The Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Mihalich case is about a woman that allegedly developed […]

Talc, Johnson & Johnson, Ovarian Cancer & Mihalich