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Risperdal and Gynecomastia in Men

YAZ, ACTOS, FEN-PHEN, ACCUTANE, FOSAMAX, PAXIL, ZOLOFT,AVANDIA, PRADAXA, RISPERDAL, Zoloft, Paxil, PRadaxaTRASYLOLAccording to an article in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, a recent study supports claims that there may be a link between risperdal and gynecomastia in men. Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of breast tissue in men and boys. 

University of British Columbia examined the health records of 82,850 men, between 40 and 85 years old taking different types of prescribed antipsychotic drugs, including risperidone – Risperdal.

It appears that the researchers found that in their study there were 8285 cases of men who developed gynecomastia after using risperidone. Researchers further claim their study is the first large epidemiologic study that quantifies the risk for gynecomastia with risperidone.

Risperdal® (Risperidone) – manfactured by Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc. – (Johnson & Johnson) is an atypical antipsychotic that may be linked to gynecomastia or tardive dyskinesia. Antipsychotic medicines/medication (e.g., Zyprexa, risperdal, and Seroquel) are used to treat symptoms of psychiatric disorders, as well as some gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. 

Risperdal has been widely used by children (including young boys and men) for bi-polar disorders, autism, irritability, aggression and behavior disorders.  Risperdal use in young boys or men may be linked to gynecomastia.

If you are or have taken Risperdal (risperidone) and have developed gynecomastia, please contact us to tell us about your potential case.

Risperdal lawsuits are on the rise. If you or your loved one suffered abnormal breast enlargement from taking Risperdal, please do not hesitate to contact the Gooch Law firm concerning your situation. A Risperdal lawyer can review your situation and determine if a Risperdal lawsuit can be filed.
If you have taken risperdal and suffered from abnormal breast development – gynecomastia, and need help with filing a risperdal lawsuit, please contact us at 1.844.329.5955

Contact Us

At the Gooch Law Firm, we pride ourselves on providing our clients reliable representation for even the most challenging cases. If you took Risperdal and have been diagnosed with gynecomastia or have abnormal breast enlargement, please contact our office at 1.844.329.5955.


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