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Bell, ABB, Asbestos & Mesothelioma

ASBESTOS, MESOTHELIOMA, CANCERBell, ABB, Asbestos & Mesothelioma: A case in the United States District Court, S.D. Illinois ruled on an appeal of summary judgment.

The Bell, ABB, Asbestos & Mesothelioma case documents what many seaman in the navy (e.g. working on boilers, evaporators etc.) may face today after past potential asbestos exposure –  mesothelioma.

A brief summary of the facts include:

  • Richard Bell served in the U.S. Navy from September 1960 to September 1964 on board the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt from January 1961 to November 1962.
  • The seamen assigned to “B” division had various duties, including the operation of boilers and evaporators, taking care of fuel, the loading of stores and ammo, firefighting, and other duties.
  • Loveless testified that packing was utilized aboard the Roosevelt on emergency feed pumps and valves. Loveless thought the packing was manufactured by John Crane, Crane, and/or Garlock.
  • Plaintiff alleges asbestos exposure from Decedent’s work aboard the Roosevelt.
  • This work occurred while the vessel traveled navigable waters as well as while the ship was dry-docked.

The court ruled:  Reversing.  To find out more on the case, see Case No. 13-CV-1338-SMY-SCW – November 24, 2015.

For more on asbestos and mesothelioma, please visit the links below:

FREE CASE REVIEWAt the Gooch Law Firm, we pride ourselves on providing our clients reliable representation for even the most challenging cases. 

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and need an asbestos or mesothelioma lawyer to help you file a mesothelioma lawsuit, contact our office at 1.844.329.5955.